Families & Children

    Results: 21

  • Abuse Counseling (8)

    Abuse Counseling


    Programs that provide individual, conjoint, family or group treatment for people who are experiencing physical, sexual, emotional and/or other forms of abuse in the context a marital, parental, sibling or other family relationship or, in some instances, outside the family. Included are programs that provide therapeutic interventions for perpetrators and/or for individuals who have been victimized.
  • At Risk Families (1)

    At Risk Families


    Families who, because of their economic or environmental situation or history or a health problem or disability, are considered more likely than others to follow a generational pattern of self-destructive behavior, criminal activity, gang involvement, substance abuse, child abuse, welfare dependency, chronic unemployment, homelessness, unwanted pregnancy and other problems which threaten the health, safety and/or personal development of family members.
  • Children of Aging Parents (1)

    Children of Aging Parents


    Individuals who are faced with the prospect of having to plan for the ongoing care and supervision of elderly parents who are losing their ability to function independently, and whose own patterns of personal, social and familial coping have been affected by the responsibility.
  • Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder (1)

    Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder


    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of people who have an alcohol use disorder, whose own patterns of personal, social and familial coping have been negatively affected by ongoing interaction with and concern about the individual.
  • Families/Friends of Mentally Ill (4)

    Families/Friends of Mentally Ill


    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of people who have clinically significant behavioral or psychological problems, whose own patterns of personal, social and familial coping have been significantly affected by ongoing interaction with and concern about the mentally ill individual.
  • Family Based Services (3)

    Family Based Services


    Programs that provide a wide variety of social services that are designed to support healthy family development, improve the family's ability to resolve problems (such as poverty, unemployment, ill health, homelessness, substandard housing, educational difficulties, substance abuse, adolescent pregnancy, delinquency and physical and developmental problems) and prevent the need for unnecessary placement of children in foster care, group homes, inpatient substance abuse or mental health treatment programs, residential training schools or other alternative environments when family problems reach crisis proportions. Services may include home visiting services that focus on public health issues (especially prenatal), mental health and substance abuse counseling, home management instruction, success in a child care setting, parenting skills development, stress management, tutoring, pregnancy awareness and AIDS awareness; may be available to the community at large, to families at risk for dissolution or those currently in crisis; and may be offered by a single agency or a coalition of agencies that have agreed to provide services according to a coordinated case plan.
  • Family Counseling (23)

    Family Counseling


    Programs that offer therapeutic sessions that focus on the system of relationships and communication patterns among family members and which attempt to modify those relationships and patterns to achieve greater harmony. The therapist focuses on the family as a unit rather than concentrating on one of the members who is singled out as the person in need of treatment.
  • Family Crisis Shelters (4)

    Family Crisis Shelters


    Programs that provide temporary emergency shelter for certain members of or entire families who are involved in or at risk for child abuse or neglect. Such facilities usually provide in-house individual, group and family counseling and the full range of other secondary services that are related to child abuse including referral to appropriate resources.
  • Family Planning (51)

    Family Planning


    Programs that provide assistance for people who want to control the size of their families and the spacing of their children, usually through some form of birth control; who want to explore options for conceiving; who have a problem with infertility; or who have questions about the advisability of becoming pregnant or following through with a current pregnancy.
  • Family Preservation Programs (1)

    Family Preservation Programs


    Programs that provide a variety of short-term, intensive, home-based intervention services for families experiencing a crisis that is so severe that children are at imminent risk for placement outside the family setting. Services, which are aimed at ameliorating the underlying causes of family dysfunction, are generally time-limited, of fairly short duration and available on a 24-hour basis. Also included are other family preservation program models whose programs vary in terms of the population served, the level of intensity of services provided and the length of services. The objective of family preservation programs is to preserve the family as a unit and prevent unnecessary placement of the children in foster care, a group home, an inpatient substance abuse or mental health treatment program, a residential training school or other alternative living arrangement.
  • Family Support Centers/Outreach (3)

    Family Support Centers/Outreach


    Programs that provide a wide variety of social services that are designed to support the healthy development of families, improve family interaction skills and help fragile families to resolve their problems at a pre-crisis stage before they become unmanageable. Services may be center-based or provided on an outreach basis to families who are initially reluctant to seek support and generally target the specific needs of a particular community. Included may be self-sufficiency programs which help families break the cycle of poverty by addressing the barriers to self-sufficiency; early child development and school success programs; programs which address the needs of teen parents; programs which target parents at risk for becoming abusive; programs for families with children who have special developmental needs and programs that focus on the maternal and child health care needs of first-time, expectant women whose babies are at high risk for low birth weight and infant mortality.
  • Foster Parent/Family Recruitment (1)

    Foster Parent/Family Recruitment


    Programs that identify and enlist people who are willing to provide foster care for dependent children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse, neglect or abandonment and need an alternative family living arrangement, or for children or adults with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, physical disabilities, emotional problems or multiple disabilities who are unable to live with their birth families or in an independent setting. Programs that recruit families to provide foster care for children and adults with disabilities are generally also responsible for training, certifying and monitoring placements in family homes and for providing support for the family and the individual(s) with disabilities who live with them.
  • Marriage and Family Therapist Referrals (1)

    Marriage and Family Therapist Referrals


    Programs that link people who are in need of counseling services with individuals who have the education and experience required for marriage and family therapists, who have obtained their licenses and who are qualified in the desired area of specialization.
  • Parent Support Groups (3)

    Parent Support Groups


    Mutual support groups for parents who share a common characteristic or circumstance such as being single parents, dual career parents, multiple birth parents, parents with children who are out of control, or parents of children with disabilities, who come together for educational and social purposes as well as for mutual support. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
  • Parenting Education (13)

    Parenting Education


    Programs that provide classes, workshops or other educational opportunities for parents or potential parents who want to acquire the knowledge and skills to be effective in their parenting role.
  • Parenting Helplines (1)

    Parenting Helplines


    Programs that operate a telephone counseling and information line that parents can call when they have childhood development questions, need advice regarding a specific parenting problem or need a referral for parenting resources.
  • Play Therapy (3)

    Play Therapy


    Programs that utilize play as a form of catharsis to enable children to express feelings and emotions which, if allowed to build up, could cause or further maladjustment. Play therapy is also used as a tool for diagnosing the source of a child's difficulty.
  • Postpartum Mothers (1)

    Postpartum Mothers


    Women who have just given birth to a child or who are in the first six weeks following delivery.
  • Pregnant Individuals (1)

    Pregnant Individuals


    Individuals who are awaiting the birth of a child.
  • WIC (1)



    A public health nutrition program administered by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service that provides nutrition education, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support and health care referrals for income-eligible pregnant or postpartum individuals, infants and children up to age five. Foster parents, grandparents, guardians and single fathers who have custody of their children may also be eligible to receive food assistance for children up to age five if they meet income guidelines. WIC provides specific foods to supplement the dietary needs of participants to ensure good health and development. Food packages typically include iron-fortified infant cereal, milk, cheese, eggs, whole grains, peanut butter, beans, fruits, vegetables and juice. Families can shop for WIC foods at most grocery stores using a WIC electronic transfer benefit (EBT) card or vouchers.
  • Youth Development (1)

    Youth Development


    Programs that provide opportunities for children and youth to participate in a wide range of recreational, cultural, social and civic activities through membership in clubs, scout troops and other youth groups whose purpose is to help youngsters develop their potential and grow into healthy, educated, responsible and productive adults.