General Health Care

    Results: 17

  • Anonymous HIV Testing (2)

    Anonymous HIV Testing


    Programs that offer HIV antibody testing or other screening procedures to individuals who do not wish to divulge personal identifying information to the testing site. People who are tested are identified by a unique number assigned by the test site. Anonymous HIV testing is done independently from sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing.
  • Community Clinics (55)

    Community Clinics


    Consumer-based, community-controlled, nonprofit outpatient facilities that provide basic health care including physical examinations, immunizations, family planning, nutrition assistance and diagnosis and treatment of common ailments for low income people, people who are homeless or uninsured/underinsured or other medically underserved populations that are geographically, economically and culturally challenged. Services are generally provided on an ability-to-pay basis. In the U.S., most community clinics are part of the network of Federally Qualified Health Centers, and many are known as "free clinics".
  • Confidential HIV Testing (2)

    Confidential HIV Testing


    Programs that offer HIV antibody testing or other screening procedures and require specific identifying information from the person wishing to be tested. The information may include but not be limited to name, address and Social Security number. This information along with test results remains with the test center unless otherwise released by the person seeking testing. Should the person test positive, the personal identifying information may be reported to state epidemiology offices where required by law. Confidential HIV testing may be a component of testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI).
  • Dental Care (1)

    Dental Care


    Programs that specialize in the care of the teeth and associated structures in the oral cavity including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums.
  • HIV Testing (6)

    HIV Testing


    Programs that offer HIV tests which are used to identify individuals who have been infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and are at risk for developing AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or which are used to measure progression of the disease in people known to be infected. The most common HIV screening test is the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) which most frequently uses peripheral blood drawn from the arm or a finger as a sample, but can also be conducted using serum, oral fluids or urine. Repeatedly reactive EIA tests are confirmed using the Western blot or the immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The most common test that is used to measure disease progression is the PCR (polymeraise chain reaction) or viral load test. Many programs that provide HIV testing also provide pre-testing and post-test counseling which includes information about AIDS/HIV, reducing risks for HIV transmission, emotional support to help the individual deal with the testing process and test results, and information about and referral to other AIDS-related services.
  • Holistic Health Care (1)

    Holistic Health Care


    Programs that have the health care perspective that focuses on the integration of the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person, emphasizing the importance of perceiving the individual, regardless of symptoms, as a being who requires balance and harmony in all of these aspects, both internally and in relationship to the environment.
  • Home Health Care (2)

    Home Health Care


    Programs that make necessary medical services available in the homes of people who are aged, ill or convalescing.
  • Home Nursing (1)

    Home Nursing


    Programs that offer skilled nursing care under the guidance and supervision of a physician in the homes of recently discharged hospital patients and other people who need continuous nursing care but are not in an acute phase of their illness.
  • Hospitals (3)



    Medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses or injuries require that they occupy a bed for at least one night. Hospitals can be distinguished by the level of care they offer (general acute, subacute, extended acute care), the auspices under which they operate which also, in some cases, defines the patients they serve (city/county, state, Veteran's Affairs, military hospitals), and the medical conditions they specialize in treating (specialty hospitals).
  • People at Risk for AIDS/HIV (2)

    People at Risk for AIDS/HIV


    Individuals who are at risk of becoming infected with the HIV virus and developing AIDS because they have a history of injection drug use, unprotected intercourse or sexual contact, sexual activity at a young age, multiple sex partners, sex with a high-risk partner, sexually transmitted infection, and/or sex trade work.
  • Prescription Medication Services (1)

    Prescription Medication Services


    Programs that provide access to low-cost or difficult to obtain prescription drugs or supportive services that help patients take their medication as prescribed by their physician.
  • Secured Nursing Facilities (1)

    Secured Nursing Facilities


    Health care facilities that provide the same level of care as either the intermediate care or skilled nursing facilities but which specialize in assisting people whose behavior problems require that they be confined.
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities (3)

    Skilled Nursing Facilities


    Health care facilities or distinct parts of hospitals that provide intensive nursing services as well as supportive services for people who require continuous inpatient care but who are not in an acute phase of an illness.
  • Special Care Inpatient Units (1)

    Special Care Inpatient Units


    Separate units of long term care facilities including hospitals that focus on care of patients with a particular diagnosis such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, head injuries or other specific disorders.
  • Specialty Hospitals (1)

    Specialty Hospitals


    Health care facilities that provide diagnostic and treatment services in an inpatient setting for people who have specified medical conditions.
  • Trauma Centers (1)

    Trauma Centers


    Hospitals that are strategically located and equipped with licensed helicopter pads and staffed by specially trained trauma surgeons and anesthesiologists who are available in-house 24 hours per day to treat critically injured victims of traffic accidents, fires, gunshot wounds or other injuries during the crucial "golden hour" when their surgical needs are highest.
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (3)

    Veterans Affairs Medical Centers


    Health care facilities operated by the U.S. government that provide inpatient and outpatient medical, surgical and psychiatric care for eligible veterans.